We've had about 24 hours now to get accustomed to the new
Twitter interface design. As many have described, the new design seems mostly cosmetic. It doesn't appear that the refresh was designed for usability, but aesthetics. It takes a little time to find how the archive tab was replaced (click on your thumbnail) and hover over an update to find the stat and swoosh. Personally, I think it's fine, although I have had problems with the page refreshing after I've added new followers. I asked my followers what they thought of the refresh and here is what you said:
Overwhelmingly positive and nothing really major!
As you can see, it's pretty benign. Unlike Facebook, not many negatives. The 1,000,000 against the New Facebook layout group on Facebook now has over 2M members, by the way. Now if we can get past the cosmetics and integrate search, things would be rocking. How has everyone else found it?