Thursday, July 17, 2008

Quick Tweets

As many of my readers know, I try to track all of the Twitter stories each day and I catalog them with a delicious tag which you can find in the sidebar on this site.  Today, I thought I'd display some of the more prominent ones that I found. Here are the top Twitter stories of the day all in 140 characters or less:

From Louis Gray, Twitter reduced the API requests for unauthenticated requests from unlimited to the same 100 rate as authenticated API hits.

From Corvida, on SheGeeks, Twitter has a new redesign coming.

Nikki Pilkington in the UK writes about new Twitter happenings including the Olympics on Twitter, twitterific for the iPhone, and many ways to search.

In a guest post on Mashable, Andy Beal provides 5 tips for building a stellar brand.

Community Guy Jake McKee posts a Twitter cartoon.

Duncan Riley with Australia's the Inquisitr reviews a new Twitter competitor,, calling it Twitter2.0.

Please let me know what you think of these stories and this new feature.