Monday, June 2, 2008


One of the unique things relevant to the Twitter community is the tweetup, a physical meeting of twitterers. Although the Twitter community is quite strong online, many people have felt that the bonds become even stronger when you meet someone face to face. Tweetups occur all the time, in fact there is a section on the Twitterpack PBwiki devoted to tweetups and there are a few tweetup specific accounts on twitter like TweetupNYC, Ottawa_tweetup.

Tweetups occur all the time, as you can imagine. Last week, there were two tweetups of significance. Erin Kotecki traveled to Kansas City from her Southern California home to visit family. Erin is a prolific tweeter with just under 3000 friends and followers, respectively. She has written over 14,000 tweets. Her KC fans and friends celebrated her visit with a prodigious tweetup. Zena Weist, another prolific tweeter, organized the event and captured it on her blog. Approximately 30 tweeters attended KC’s maiden tweetup.

The success of the event can be summarized by Zena’s tweet below.

Another special tweetup occurred in Boston. A tweetup celebration was held for Doug Haslam who was changing jobs. Doug is another prolific tweeter with well in excess of 3000 friends and followers. The party held at a local karaoke bar was quite festive as many of the revelers reported on twitter, utterz, and facebook.

The Boston Twitterati including Chris Brogan were all there.

Adam Zand does Borderline.


Anonymous said...

@warrenss, I can't believe you left out the Tweetup between you, me, @FilibertoSelvas and @katelen in Seattle last month. :)


Warren said...

@Bradmays, yes, we had a great time didn't we. And don't forget our ringleader, @weave. Let me know the next time you're in town, weill have to do it again.

Doug Haslam said...


Thanks for the mentions. What I like best about the "Tweetup" is when I am traveling and can get a few locals to come out and at least have a drink or a few moments of their time. I did this recently in Los Angeles, and earlier in New York City. It has changed the dynamics of traveling.